1 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
giu 21, 2022
10 di 10 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 6.5
Storia 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musica 7.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 5.0
One can definitely feel the different vibe in this season compared with season 1. Gone were the Uehara security girls that irritated me for being so cliche. The scenes and character outfits were also brighter compared with the muted and darker tones of the previous season. It shows a more vibrant university life. I would have wanted Issei to also be here even as a cameo but he was absent T_T. One improvement in the story was Nao's involvement in an arts club, since it show that she was now interested in things other than being focused on just Uehara. One of my problems was that I did not know what exactly the careers the characters were pursuing, unlike in other university dramas. Maybe their departments or courses were mentioned but I may have missed it.

Another plus for the story is that Daichi, the second male lead in Season 1 who I really liked (yes, I had a case of 2ls for him), finally had his own loveline. However I felt that the resolution of his arc of finally letting go of Nao, felt kind of forced. I didn't feel his chemistry with his new partner while it was still palpable in his few scenes with Nao. Even when characters were saying he now likes Nanase, I felt like his expressions and actions still showed he liked Nao. They should have cast a younger looking actress, because the way she portrayed Nanase was as a vindictive rival. Even for scenes designed to reform and make her charming, the acting felt flat, unapologetic and just plain annoying. I think it's safe to say I did not like her.

The introduction of Saeko and Natsume into the story was also good since it showed that Uehara and Nao had better options than each other. Natsume was a sweet, hero-type character that could sweep you of your feet, given a chance. He was a loving older brother, silent protector, a hard worker and a charming helper to the people that he meets which makes him a very viable choice for Nao. Saeko was smart and a fighter that Uehara can really admire as a colleague. And because of them, my support for the OTP lessened and had gone to the camp that if they hadn't lived together then they wouldn't have fallen in love. The scenes of the OTP together usually led to self-doubts and misunderstandings. I still felt that Nao was the one who was trying to keep the relationship and Uehara kept being a jerk by not sharing his true feelings, he was really just lucky that she did not have a serious thump in the head to wake her up. I also sensed that Nao was genuinely happy when with other characters than with Uehara. In scenes with him, all I can sense was that she felt she was lucky this guy was interested in her. This really is one of those series where I just can't support the OTP because there is unequal balance in the relationship which can be toxic in the long run. Nao is too submissive while Uehara was too dismissive. Yes, there are scenes that show that Uehara really appreciates Nao but the problem is that this is with other people instead of his partner which could have made Nao feel more secure and made the relationship stronger. Would probably rewatch cute scenes only, maybe the heart fluttering ones with Natsume.

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xiu lian
1 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
gen 2, 2019
10 di 10 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 9.0
Storia 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 9.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 10
The second season of Good Morning Call gives way for so much character growth. Uehara and Yoshikawa are still themselves, but you can see so much how they're trying to grow and be more mature. Their relationship, of course, gets a little rockier, but you're going to cheer them on because of how obvious their love is for each other.

The rest of the characters are fantastic as well. Old favorites like Daichi, Marina, Abe, and Mitsuishi are back being their fantastic selves to bring even more humor and drama into the mix. And while I'm (unpopular opinion here) not the biggest fan of Natsume, a new character, I did respect him a lot, despite his very questionable actions. I also adored Saeko's extremely eccentric and powerful character.

More than the laughs and swoons from Season 1, Season 2 made me cry so hard with all the drama. I just love how this show brings out so many emotions in me.

If you loved Season 1, you're going to want to continue the series. And if you haven't watched Good Morning Call yet, what the heck are you waiting for?

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1 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
feb 25, 2021
10 di 10 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 8.0
Storia 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 1.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 3.0
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

Where the hell is communication?

Well if you saw my review for season 1, you'll know how much I hated it and really just finished it to try to get it off my "watching" list without having to dig to delete all the episodes one by one. -- it didn't work. Lol Season 2 was then stuck on the list so I kinda cheated and looked up what would happened. What I saw kept me going. Even though it LIED -- I;m still kinda glad I stuck around.
Season 2 was sooooo much better than season 1. While Nao was still the ditzy clumsy girl that overreacted with everything, buy the end it was nice to see her change, even if it was just a little. It was amazing to see her try to be more adult.

Tell me how... HOW in the hell I spent all of season 1 HATING this man only for me to watch season 2 and have a change of heart about him? Season 1 he spent the whole time being a heartless asshole who (imo) was just dating her because she was there. But in this season we see that he really is trying to be a better person for her. Which I respected a lot, but of course there were his original moments where he was his old self and I really wanted someone to throat punch him.... and while they didn't do that, I'm glad they still hit him. He needed it. lol

Can we talk about Abe for a second? The only character in this whole show who really tried and still didn't end with a happy ending? This show really wouldn't be what it is without him. It's only because of his big mouth that things ever worked out BECAUSE SOME PEOPLE DON'T KNOW WHAT COMMUNICATION IS!!! Stg that pissed me off the most. So so so so much could have been avoided if they just TALKED and stopped walking away "assuming". It gave me a headache but thankfully Abe was always around to be like "yeah okay, but this is what happened and what was said." - Let's face it, they owe their relationship to Abe. Lol

Bruh when they introduced Natsume, I just knew there was going to be trouble but holy hell I adore this man almost as much as I adore Daichi. These two kept me going strong! Though I'm still not sure how I feel about his story. As much as he was a playboy it was hard to see the outcome. I just want to hug him so bad. It's like Daichi all over again but sooo much worse. The fact that it took all of these guys to push Uehara to be like "well shit, I better man up and be a good guy to her" is kinda shitty though. Like... Toxic level shitty.

Though you know I can't not say anything about Daichi. Seeing him actually happy for once blew my fucking mind. I was so excited but when the shit hit the fan I was really ready to jump through the screen and start knocking the fire out of people. Lol-- Okay, not really but... it was fucked up. But I'm so so so SSSSOOOOO glad he got his happy ending. I think his ending alone was worth it. He deserved to be happy for once and now that he got it... I'm all soft. UwU and we know she will treat him well and I'm so thankful they didn't make her live in Nao's shadow. I know She placed herself in Nao's shadow through a good chunk of the show -- and I don't blame her for hating Nao but when it all comes to light, I'm glad he liked her without comparing like a lot of people do. He genuinely liked her which was amazing.

I'm bitter sweet about the outcome, honestly. This is the first time I think a show gave me such a headache in me constantly battling on who I wanted her to end up with. Lol It's so weird how much different I feel about this season than I did the first one. It blows my mind. Lol Even though it ended how I knew it would, I'm glad I actually kept watching it. Would I recommend it? No. lol But it was still really good, I just can't with season 1. No one should be put through that torture.

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In Corso 10/10
1 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
giu 13, 2024
10 di 10 episodi visti
In Corso 0
Generale 4.0
Storia 2.0
Acting/Cast 3.0
Musica 1.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 1.0
Questa recensione può contenere spoiler

don't watch if you have a brain

I watched this drama for basically 2 reasons:
1) I wanted some japanese listening practice
2) I am a masochist.

if you reached season 2 you probably already watched the first one and let me tell you... they are basically the same thing.

we meet again naochan and ueharakun and nothing changed.

NAO is still a dumb, selfish obsessed girl that acts like a 10 years old kid.
uehara Kun is still a bear incapable of expressing emotions, still treating NAO like shit and caring only about himself.

I get that these two are the main characters but I find them so unlikable. everyone is in lobe with them for some reason and surprisingly everyone is a better match for them than the other lead.

NAO has no live. she only thinks about uehara Kun. even when talking to other people the things she says are said bevuase ahe is thinking of uehara Kun. basically, she doesn't care about other people's lives unless is something she can apply to herself. she has an idea of how a romantic relationship should look like and uehara Kun, unlike other characters, is unable to give that but she persists for some reason.
she is basically fixated on her first love and that's it. there is no other reason for her to like this dumbass.

uehara Kun is incapable of having a romantic relationship. he struggles to show affection even after almost 2 YEARS OF DATING.
he never thinks about NAO unless someone is getting closer to her and remembers she exist. basically it is a possession thing.
he only treats her kindly when she is already on the ground and other people tell him NAO is struggling.
at least unlike NAO she seems to have a resemble of a life outside of nao.

the other characters have little screen time but could potentially be more interesting than the main couple.. but sadly... they get involved with these 2 dummies.

the drama is boring, repetitive and the most annoying part is that there is no doubt they will end up together even though it doesn't make any sense.

I know I know, it is a shoijo manga and I'm not the target audience. I get it. but I still think there is much better stuff out there for young kids. this drama is just dumm and frankly far away from educational or being a "coming of age story". there is nothing to learn from these two.

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1 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
dic 10, 2017
10 di 10 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 9.0
Storia 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musica 9.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 9.0
What I like about this season ;
Uehara’s attitude towards Nao, Ota character and Abe.
Nao’s outfit especially the park scene.

What I don’t like ;
Too many ‘coincidence’ scene between Nao and Natsume. Seems like the writer ‘forced’ Natsume fall for Nao.
The repetitive failed date between the otp.
Less scene when Nao and Uehara together.

What I superlike ; Nao’s love for Uehara and Uehara’s love for Nao. They don’t have eyes for other.

I think I’m a minority here for not rooting the second lead male character, for both seasons. IMO, Uehara is the one and only perfect match for Nao.

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Berna Kallua
3 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
lug 31, 2018
10 di 10 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 7.5
Storia 8.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musica 7.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 7.0
I REALLY HATE NAO CHARACTER , SHE IS LIKE CRAZY WOMAN THE WAY SHE TALK,ACTION BLAH333 IF SHE COULD ACT NORMAL OTHER THAN CRAZY ACTIONS IT COULD BETTER BUT FAR MOST IT IS GREAT MOVIE ## I wish marina could play nan's characters it could be best than this crazy womanaaaaaaa Ahhhhhh nao actions drives me nuts with her altitude like crazy woman ....hahahhahhaahhaahhaahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahaahahhahhahhhhhahahahahahhahahaahahahhahahahhhhaahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahhaahhahahhaahahahhahaahahhaahahahaahhahahahhahhahahahahahahhahahahha I haha
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1 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
dic 4, 2017
10 di 10 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musica 7.5
Valutazione del Rewatch 9.0
Season 2 of Good Morning Call pushed the story one step further.  I waited for this after being enthralled by Season 1.  I would love to have a season 3 9AND 4, AND 5 , AND 6...) - and I would also love to see Issei (Ramen guy) back.  The challenge will be to the writers.  The think tank group for the series will be challenged in  developing the characters of Natsume (what a handsome guy), Daichi, Issei, Marina, Mitsuishi, Abe - as they all grow up together.  It will certainly speak to an international audience about the millenial generation and how they negotiate relationships in the process of growing up.  It is so refreshing to watch a series that focuses on the reality of teenage life with all the confusion that goes with it.
Good Morning Call is, thus far, my favourite Asian drama.  It is bittersweet, funny, romantic, and best of all - not a dark teenage series (so unlike hollywood or American TV series which reflects dark recesses of the soul).  Congratulations!  Please, please keep Good Morning Call alive.

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0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
nov 7, 2019
10 di 10 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 8.5
Storia 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Musica 7.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 8.5
Perhaps better than Season 1! There's a lot to like.

Being with the most attractive, popular guy may be the high school dream. But what about a sustainable relationship after?

Two wonderful things happen with this switch to university:

1) Nao 'gets it' before Uehara flipping the whole silly girl script - she knows what she respects in a person and Uehara is it. Her insecurity this season stems from the fact that Uehara does NOT seem to get it.

2) Uehara suffers from a lot of self-doubt at university. It's nice for once for the guy in a school drama to NOT 'have it all.' He has little money/time/energy to be a good romantic partner to Nao, and he has trouble putting her first while trying to get ahead. Enter Natsume who seems to have all the things Uehara lacks, and the self-doubt grows.

The show could have cut some side plots, but in the end I just felt incredible fondness for the characters and their journey.

I grade on other criteria as well:

Complex themes:7.5
Being caring and responsible towards others is a rare quality that should be cherished. Secrecy causes trouble and heartbreak, so be open and honest. New to this season: relationships take work and growth - you have to put the time in.
Character growth: 8
Uehara does most of the growing. Letting life pull him in all directions and hope Nao's at home waiting is not a good strategy.
Female relationships/characters: 7
A draw back to the focus on Uehara and Natsume is that there isn't as much female bonding. Marina has a definite backseat this season. Uehara's sister-in-law is replaced by Uehara's new boss as the messy adult woman in his life. I liked that Uehara's boss was a woman, but I didn't like her characterisation and found it over the top.
Cinematography/Production: 6.5
A bit better than the first season but not by much. Still shot as a very basic 90s drama. A little more variation in sets, costumes, and extras. Natsume's look is well done and a good contrast to Uehara.

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Jenja Ge
0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
apr 21, 2019
10 di 10 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 9.0
Storia 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 9.0
Is it just me who didn't like the fact that Uehara and Nao ended up together. I liked literally all the other "Love interests" besides Uehara. I liked Daichi, that ramen guy, and especially Nastume. My heart was broken at the the end of the show, but I knew there was no chance for her to end up with someone other Uehara. It's very easy to tell who the main character is going to end up with, but it's still so sad ????I still like the show and I’m hoping for a season 3.

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0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mar 7, 2020
10 di 10 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 7.0
Storia 6.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musica 7.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 6.5
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so first why this drama called 'Good Morning Call'?? i thought this season will be more better in term of romance storyline but I'm totally wrong... the new come of many roles just messing my feeling towards euhara and nao.. i can't lie that I'm rooting for nao and natsume.. he deserve better to be nao boyfriend... seems like euhara still not ready yet to be in relationship.. he is completely not giving any effort in their relationship.. the plot is more better compare to s1 that obviously so cliche
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0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
apr 29, 2021
10 di 10 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 10
Storia 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 10
Valutazione del Rewatch 10

SUCH a Great Sequel Series!

Good Morning Call is one of my favorite shows of all time, and this sequel did not disappoint! Our Campus Days did such a good job encapsulating the feel from the first series, even with how many changes occurred between the first series and this one. The entire basic premise changed— Nao and Uehara don't live together anymore, no more forced proximity— as well as the setting, new characters are introduced... So much changed, but Nao, Uehara, and Marina were all such strong characters and the writing was so good that it still felt the same, which is a feat in and of itself.

The new characters were really great, as well. Ota was a really sweet friend to Nao, Saeko was a funny love-rival. Natsume was an AMAZING second lead— he stold my heart from the second he showed up on screen, and he held it all the way through the end of the show. I legit wanted Nao to end up with him, and even though I knew it wasn't going to happen my heart broke a little when she didn't. Natsume is such a wonderful character that he sticks in my brain so clearly, even two years later as I write this review. He came off the screen in the best way.

The college vibes in this show were really on point, too! It was all really enjoyable— I honestly can't think of a single complaint. I wouldn't necessarily say this outdid the first season, but it was definitely just as good. I know it'll probably never happen, but I want a season three!

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0 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
mag 17, 2020
10 di 10 episodi visti
Completo 0
Generale 8.0
Storia 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musica 7.0
Valutazione del Rewatch 9.0
I like the fact that it is more realistic, them being in collage an d all that but I found that Natsu character very annoying. All else is pretty good, though, I thought the first season is excellent and a bit better. Perhaps just fresher. What I liked was the college researcher, she did a good job and seemed realistic. I like Nao's cute young friend who gave some liveliness to the set. The girl who liked Dai-chan was my favorite. good looking and played a nice part that supports the stories. Uehara was good too, though his part is so good, not sure he has to put out much to do a good job. Abe continued the butterfly and it remained refreshing. I also liked the different location moving from Megura-gawa to just west of Shinjuku.

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Good Morning Call: Our Campus Days (2017) poster



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